
Museveni guards assault journalist

Thursday February 10 2011

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni. Photo/PHOEBE OKALL

Soldiers belonging to Uganda's the Army’s Special Forces Group (SFG) Wednesday assaulted the local Daily Monitor journalist in Sembabule District as he attempted to take pictures of them stopping Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Sekikubo from erecting a campaign poster.

Mr Issa Aliga, based in Masaka, said he had just arrived in Lwemiyaga, where President Museveni was to address a rally later in the day when the soldiers, who form the core of the presidential guard, turned on him and confiscated his camera.

“I saw SFG blocking Mr Ssekikubo and his supporters from putting up his campaign poster bearing his image and that of President Museveni,” Mr Aliga said.

“But as I was taking the pictures of the MP and his supporters being chased away, the SFG beat and detained me for at least 10 minutes, confiscated my camera on claims that I did not ask for permission, yet I was accredited.”

Contravenes the law

EC Spokesperson Willy Ochola, said he was not aware of the incident but if the fracas was caused by SFG, then they should explain as it is against the election law.


“We know that President Museveni is campaigning as a candidate, but also as a head of state and SFG is entitled to provide him security,” Mr Ochola said. “But if they are being involved in the electoral processes, they should explain because it contravenes the law.”

However, SFG spokesperson Edison Kwesiga Wednesday said neither was the journalist assaulted nor was Mr Ssekikubo prevented from putting up the campaign poster.

“There were so many photographers, why assault only that of (Daily) Monitor?” Capt Kwesiga asked. “We have been working with journalists for so long and we have never had such cases.”

“I am happy that you have confirmed to me that (he is your journalist) and I am going to contact those on the ground on how to handle the matter.”

Mr Ssekikubo said it was unfair for the security personnel to fight with his supporters. “It is an abuse for security officers to start battling with my supporters and pulling down my campaign poster.”
