
President Mohamud: We will not compromise Somalia’s territorial integrity and its unity

Saturday June 29 2024

President Mohamud says the government of Ethiopia decided to infringe on the sovereignty of Somalia.



Somalia's President Sheikh Hassan Mohamud spoke to NMG correspondent Jackson Mutinda, warning that Ethiopia, which signed an MoU with breakaway Somaliland on use of its port, will not be allowed to set up a military base there.


What would you like to be remembered for in Somalia when you leave power?

One is liberating this country from terrorists. As I said in my campaign, a Somalia at peace with itself, and at peace with the rest of the world. The other is a democratic Somalia.

Let's talk about Somaliland and the deal with Ethiopia. It doesn't seem to go away, what are the issues?

There is no issue. But, unfortunately, the Horn of Africa has always been a very difficult region. The Horn of Africa is a gateway to many parts of the world, and also a strategic region that controls many aspects of the world economy.

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