
Sudan 'suspends' cooperation with Igad

Tuesday January 16 2024

Sudan says it is suspending any interactions with the regional bloc Intergovernmental Authority on Development.



Sudan's Foreign ministry said it is suspending any interactions with the regional bloc Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad), accusing it of "violating Sudan's sovereignty".

The move is likely to put a strain on the latest peace bid to end war in the country.

Read: New Igad peace bid on Sudan faces early hurdles

The ministry, which has been critical of Igad lately, said it was no longer cooperating with the bloc on any Sudanese affairs.

The announcement came just 47 hours before Igad was due to hold an extraordinary meeting in Entebbe, Uganda to discuss Sudan's war.

Khartoum had already said it would not attend the summit because Igad had invited Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, the leader of Rapid Support Forces' leader, which the junta in Khartoum regards as a militia.

Sudan, through the Foreign ministry, informed Djibouti, the current chair of Igad, that Khartoum had decided to cease its engagement and to freeze its dealings with Igad regarding the current crisis.

It accused the bloc of violations for including the Sudan crisis on the agenda of the heads of State and government summit in Entebbe on Thursday, January 18, without consulting Sudan and for inviting the leader of a ‘militia’.

Read: Sudan warring chiefs fail to meet

Igad invite

Sudan termed the invitation of the RSF commander Hemedti as "a violation of Sudan's sovereignty and a serious breach of the Igad Charter and the rules governing the work of international and regional organisations".

On Saturday, the Sovereignty Council headed by army commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, announced that it had declined an invitation from Igad to hold a summit to discuss the country's situation.

Meanwhile, Hemedti announced that he would attend the Igad summit in Entebbe.

Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh called for the extraordinary summit in Uganda to discuss the situation in Sudan and the dispute between Ethiopia and Somalia, as part of the bloc’s intensified efforts to pressure both sides in the military conflict in Sudan to sign a cessation of hostilities agreement that would help deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict.

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