
1925 results for zambia :

  1. German fund ADC buys 25pc of Kenya’s Resolution Health

    German-based private equity fund, Africa Development Corporation

  2. Africa's economic outlook

    Standard Chartered projects 2011 trends

  3. AfDB approves $15m equity investment in Catalyst Fund

    A new private equity player, Catalyst Fund, is set for a big boost following the approval

  4. With the National Dialogue, Kagame has dumbfounded his critics and enemies

    On December 20 and 21, the government of Rwanda held the 8th Annual National Dialogue

  5. A reserved people reach out to ‘expatriate Zambians,’ civil society in a unique debate

    Rwandans are generally reserved, careful with words, and tend to conduct themselves with great

  6. Great Lakes bloc backs US Kony strategy

    The Great Lakes bloc has backed efforts to apprehend and remove Uganda’s Lord Resistance Army

  7. Comesa set to join world's most vibrant blocs in two years

    Comesa could become one of the vibrant trading blocs in the world in the next two years, the Assistant Secretary General Programmes, Stephen Karangizi, has said.

  8. Govt approves BP exit 'in principle' workers protest

    Tanzania has in principle agreed to let BP Africa Ltd exit the country by selling off its $80 million stake in BP Tanzania to Puma Energy International.

  9. How worse global crisis was averted

    The World Bank and other financial groups responded swiftly in 2008-2010 to halt looming meltdown

  10. Road to Brazil begins with $0.4m deal for EA teams

    Soccer standards in the region could improve soon following a $450,000 (Ksh36 million) sponsorship deal by East African Breweries.


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